Exposing False Church Teachings
- Unbelief: The Greatest Christian Sin If unbelievers are headed for the lake of fire, then it's full of Christians.
- The burning LOVE of God...and the raging WRATH of man! -- by Gary and Michelle Amirault --Has traditional Christianity projected man's wrath upon the image of our Creator? This series of articles takes an indepth looking into the subjects of love and hate--man's and the Creator's.
- The Rich Man & Lazarus --Will he spend eternity in hell?
- The Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment --A thorough treatment of the subject by Thomas B. Thayer (386k)
- Fullness --Discussion on "denominationalism" and its inability to give full glory to God.
- Counting the Costs --Explains why pastors cannot really ever come to the knowledge of the truth within their denominations.
- Christian Partialism --Reveals what force united denominations of Christendom.
- Subtle Religious Guilt --When I began to 'come under' this church's pastor, I found myself losing my own intimate awareness of the Presence and direction of God for me.
- Letting Go of Idols --Thoughts about the idols we keep.
- Stoning the Messenger --How many churches often stone a messenger of God without actually killing him physically.
- Some Real Heavy Revy --Revelation for the sake of knowledge is worthless.
- Shall the God of the Whole Earth Do Righteously? --People are naturally blame-shifters. Is the God of Christianity a blame-shifter?
- Honor From Men --A look into Christian titles such as "Pastor," "His Holiness," and "Reverend."
- Is Our Father Master Builder or Great Destroyer? --Reveals how many Christians have made God after their own image.
- The False God of Conscience --Listening to your conscience does not always hit the mark.
- What Would Ezekiel Find? --Should Ezekiel dig a hole in the walls of Christendom, what kind of idols would he find?
- The Pillar Laws of the New Testament --...and they aren't "Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself"
- Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God --Shows that people who have an angry God become angry people.
- Romans Chapter One --This chapter is often used to justify God sending billions to hell who have never heard the gospel or read a Bible. Shows how shallow this interpretation is.
- Is Our Father Master Builder or Great Destroyer? --Reveals how many Christians have made God after their own image.
- Honor From Men --A look into Christian titles such as "Pastor," "His Holiness," and "Reverend."
- Fullness --Discussion on "denominationalism" and its inability to give full glory to God.
- Counting the Costs --Explains why pastors cannot really ever come to the knowledge of the truth within their denominations.
- Another Jesus --A few false gospels in the name of Jesus.
- Steps Out of Darkness --Those who attended that particular 'calling out' were called the 'ecclesia' to that calling.
- Is Jesus the World's Greatest Sinner? --No! Even though that is what most Christian teachings imply.
- Man Is a Free Moral Agent? --from The Savior of the World series - Will God force you to love Him against your "free will?"- J. Preston Eby
- Famous Biblical Hoaxes -- A chapter from Dr. Edgar Goodspeed's book that clears up the question of whether the New Age and Spiritualist writers are telling the truth about "The Unknown Life of Christ."