What Would Ezekiel Find?

By Gary Amirault

Oh, Christians, should Ezekiel dig a hole in the walls of Christendom, what kind of idols would he find? Would he find relics, holy water, statues, pictures of blue-eyed Jesus', gaudy priestly Babylonish garments, dead saints under the altar, crackers declared as Jesus, icons, holy pilgrimage sites, man worship, thousands of regulations and rituals added to the finished work of the cross, greed, lust, back-biting, gossip, false accusations, myriad's of doctrines of demons and thousands of other traditions of men? Read the list in Rev. Chapter 18 and see if the list is still appropriate for our times. And if the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD was a just retribution from God to the generation which crucified our Lord, would it be reasonable for Him to let Christendom just "fly away?" If judgment begins in the House of the Lord, what can we expect? Jesus and the apostles warned the Jews to come out of Jerusalem/Babylon and many did and survived the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the Jerusalem/Babylon of our day. Ask Him to make it plain to you. Let Him paint it as graphically as you can bear so that you will be sick enough of her, to come out of her and never marry yourself to her again.