Betting on Hell

foreclosureRecently I watched an excellent documentary narrated by Matt Damon entitled “Inside Job.” The video detailed the ponzi scheme, bankers, investment bankers, Harvard professors, insurance companies, federal reserve personnel and other predatory financial services people orchestrated to steal hundreds of billions of dollars from ordinary people. I highly recommend the video. The video really lays out how corrupt the financial services sector of the Western economies have become. What is so disheartening is that those at the top knew how toxic the packages they put together were. At the height of the scheme, they actually bet against their own investments and made billions betting AGAINST their own investment packages. They made billions on the way up and billions on the way down. And not a single one of these thieves went to jail for their corrupt and illegal practices. That should get a few people stirred enough to open their mouth.

Today, I got sort of a shocker in the Spirit. I’ve shared with many people my belief based upon Scripture and Revelation that Jesus Christ is, indeed, the Savior of the whole world — that Hell will ultimately be empty. Many Christians take offense with this glorious teaching that really should make any heart glad. But most of the time when I share this good news with Christians, I usually get a sharp rebuke and they never speak to me again. But many say something like, “I hope you are right.” Rarely do these “I hope you are right” believers go to the scriptures, study the early church writings or sincerely seek God on it, they simply say, “I hope you are right,” and then go back to their hellfire and damnation church. They do NOT take a stand for their hope that I am right. They do NOT go and study to see if these things be true. They go right back into their traditional church that trashes the cross and makes Jesus look like the greatest failure that ever walked this planet. They put their money on Hell — that God trashes most of mankind. They support churches that teach Jesus loses most of mankind. Their money is on churches that teach eternal damnation is true while at the same time placate me with a “I hope you are right” statement. This insincerity sounds to me like these financial thieves who have set up deals in which they win both ways at the expense of the innocent. “I hope you are right, Gary, but my money is on Hell. I’m buying insurance by going to a hellfire and damnation church and putting my offerings in the basket just in case Hell is real.”

Is this double-minded or what? Is this the hypocrisy Jesus accused the Pharisees for? They are propping up the lie, perpetuating the false teaching of Hell with their presence and finances just in case it’s true. If you are in this camp, be assured, this double-mindedness will not serve you, nor your family, nor the kingdom of God! Repent for the kingdom of the Savior of the world is at hand!

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