God: How Deep Is His Love?

hellfire preacherIt is often taught by the traditional church that there must be a Hell because God’s love demands it. According to tradition, humans must be able to chose freely to love God or else it is not true love. God forcing people to heaven would be “spiritual rape.” True love, tradition says, must be an exercise of “free will.” Therefore, human beings must also be able to chose to reject God forever. This is a classic position of what theologians call Arminianism. Most denominations of Christianity hold an Arminian view on the Sovereignty of God versus Free Will debate. Under the Frequently Asked Questions section of www.tentmaker.org, we have a number of articles dealing with this issue.

In a new book on Christ’s Victory on the Cross, Jim May, author of “It is Finished!” presents an interesting angle on this issue of God’s love and “free will.” He writes:

A.J. Allen tells the story of an evangelist in London who encountered a similar problem. In a certain quarter of London, one of the many evangelists employed for that purpose, had gone forth to preach to the people. When he had concluded an eloquent address, he was thus accosted by one of his hearers.

“Sir, may I ask you a question or two?”

“Surely,” said the preacher.

“You have told us that God’s love for us is very great and very strong.”


“That He sent His Son on purpose to save us, and that I may be saved this moment, if I will.”


“But, that if I go away without an immediate acceptance of this offer, and if, a few minutes after leaving here I were to be killed in an accident, I should find myself in Hell forever and ever.”


“Then,” said the man, “if so, I don’t want to have anything to do with a Being Whose love for me can change so completely in five minutes!”

(From “It Is Finished!” by Jim May)

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