Funerals: When Pastors Become Universalists

By Gary Amirault

pastors become universalists
Funerals: When pastors become universalists

Nearly all pastors, according to sixth generation funeral director, Caleb Wilde, become universalists at funeral services. He writes,

“I have worked about 3,000 funerals in my 10 years as a funeral director and I have never heard a pastor state conclusively that the person they are memorializing is going to hell, although I’ve heard thousands of messages that state CONCLUSIVELY that the deceased is in heaven!”

So when are they lying? On Sunday morning when they damn to Hell all those who have not been born again and leading a godly life (which is 99 percent of mankind)? Or when they assure those at their funeral services (for which they usually get paid) the deceased are in heaven? Or are they just lying all the time?

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