Crazy Christian Mothers

From Breast to Hell
From Breast to Hell

Picture the following words coming out of the mother’s mouth as she feeds her child:

“I love you sooo much, little one. I’m going to raise you in a godly way. I’ll have you Christened, take you to church every Sunday, send you to Sunday school and VBS. I’ll teach you the Ten Commandments, to love God and your neighbor, to be kind and loving. I’ll put you in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.

And because we are poor, we will encourage you to join the military who will promise you a good education after you get out. You will defend God and country and our way of life. They will tear out of you all you learned in VBS about loving your neighbor. You will go to foreign lands and kill whoever your government tells you to kill. Yes, most of them are not Christians so you will be sending them to Hell. But even most of us Christians are going to Hell also ‘for broad is the road that leads to destruction and narrow is the road that leads to life.’ Maybe you are not among the elect if there is such a thing. Maybe I am not among the elect. Maybe there are no elect and it all depends upon our works. Maybe you will be rebellious and stray. Maybe you won’t accept Christ. Or maybe you’ll die in a backslidden condition. Maybe we’ll all be in Hell because the way is so narrow.

I wonder if there really is an age of accountability. My church teaches such a thing but I really can’t find evidence for it. Could you, my little one, be on your way to Hell even this day?

Oh dear, these thoughts are too heavy. I’d better put them far in the back of my mind. I can’t bear these thoughts. They could drive me insane. Why did God make this so difficult? I love you, little one. I’m glad you don’t have to carry these thoughts in your mind today. I think I need a drink or a tranquilizer. Maybe I’m suffering from Postnatal Stress Disorder. Oh dear.”

The scenario above, even though rarely expressed outwardly, are buried in the back of everyone’s minds who have been exposed to the traditional Church teachings on Hell and who have embraced its message. The teaching of Hell breeds insanity, plain and simple. Anyway who takes the message seriously and who doesn’t stick it WAY in the back of their minds will go insane just like Andrea Yates, who killed her five children before the age of accountability so they would escape going to Hell.

There are millions of Christian men and women who have been sent to foreign lands to kill strangers who, according to what their chaplains believe will spend eternity in a place so horrible that human words cannot describe it. These chaplains are trained to give solace to these young men and women who will be tormented their entire lives for having been instrumental in sending strangers made in God’s image to eternal destruction. You will find them in bars and crack houses. You will find them in VA hospitals and insane asylums. And you will find them in early graves. The human mind is not built to carry the load traditional Christianity imposes upon it. Get out of traditional churches. Stop propagating a teaching that makes God look worse than Satan. Visit for further information.

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