Picture the following words coming out of the mother’s mouth as she feeds her child:
“I love you sooo much, little one. I’m going to raise you in a godly way. I’ll have you Christened, take you to church every Sunday, send you to Sunday school and VBS. I’ll teach you the Ten Commandments, to love God and your neighbor, to be kind and loving. I’ll put you in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.
And because we are poor, we will encourage you to join the military who will promise you a good education after you get out. You will defend God and country and our way of life. They will tear out of you all you learned in VBS about loving your neighbor. You will go to foreign lands and kill whoever your government tells you to kill. Yes, most of them are not Christians so you will be sending them to Hell. But even most of us Christians are going to Hell also ‘for broad is the road that leads to destruction and narrow is the road that leads to life.’ Maybe you are not among the elect if there is such a thing. Maybe I am not among the elect. Maybe there are no elect and it all depends upon our works. Maybe you will be rebellious and stray. Maybe you won’t accept Christ. Or maybe you’ll die in a backslidden condition. Maybe we’ll all be in Hell because the way is so narrow.
I wonder if there really is an age of accountability. My church teaches such a thing but I really can’t find evidence for it. Could you, my little one, be on your way to Hell even this day?
Oh dear, these thoughts are too heavy. I’d better put them far in the back of my mind. I can’t bear these thoughts. They could drive me insane. Why did God make this so difficult? I love you, little one. I’m glad you don’t have to carry these thoughts in your mind today. I think I need a drink or a tranquilizer. Maybe I’m suffering from Postnatal Stress Disorder. Oh dear.”
The scenario above, even though rarely expressed outwardly, are buried in the back of everyone’s minds who have been exposed to the traditional Church teachings on Hell and who have embraced its message. The teaching of Hell breeds insanity, plain and simple. Anyway who takes the message seriously and who doesn’t stick it WAY in the back of their minds will go insane just like Andrea Yates, who killed her five children before the age of accountability so they would escape going to Hell.
There are millions of Christian men and women who have been sent to foreign lands to kill strangers who, according to what their chaplains believe will spend eternity in a place so horrible that human words cannot describe it. These chaplains are trained to give solace to these young men and women who will be tormented their entire lives for having been instrumental in sending strangers made in God’s image to eternal destruction. You will find them in bars and crack houses. You will find them in VA hospitals and insane asylums. And you will find them in early graves. The human mind is not built to carry the load traditional Christianity imposes upon it. Get out of traditional churches. Stop propagating a teaching that makes God look worse than Satan. Visit https://tentmaker.org/ScholarsCorner.html for further information.
6 thoughts on “Crazy Christian Mothers”
Dear Watchman :
Yes, God is Love. His very essence is Love through which all of His attributes flow and yes, we are and will be holy ( perfect ) as He is Holy in the fullness of time for Jesus came to save us from our sins of which includes ALL the people of the world past , present and future. Did not Jesus Himself say that we are to be perfect just as our Father in Heaven is Perfect and we will be in the fullness of time for we are saved by grace through faith , not of works lest any man should boast. The beauty of the Blessed Hope is that Jesus has done the work that He was sent to do . On the cross he said IT IS FINISHED! and so it is . He has done the saving work and through the seed faith that God gives to all of us to eventually realize this we then repent out of gratitude and work out our salvation through the doing of good works all to the glory of God . Granted , James says that faith without works is dead and he is correct but that does not mean that we save ourselves through works. It is through the grace ( unmerited favor of God) that we are saved. We then go on to work out our salvation by following Christ Who doesn’t have one mean bone in Him for He and the Father are one, which is LOVE.
Dear Sir:
This is my understanding. God indeed is Love. God says, “I am Holy therefore you must be Holy.” God requires that we must come up to His level of Holy understanding in order to share in His Love. We are not allowed to “add to” and “subtract from God’s Word” to bring God’s Word down to our lower level. God asks such questions as: “Where were you when I created the heavens and the earth? Were you around then to give me advice? Did you have a hand in creating all things?” “Does the clay dictate to the Creator what sort of vessels it wants to be? Can man change the nature of the vessels that the Creator alone has made? Is man allowed to re-define creation and re-define God’s intentions?” We learn about the existence of Hell from God Himself in God’s Word. No man has ever been there and come back to add to the knowledge of Hell that we have from God. Since God then has given us First Hand information about the existence of Hell for our benefit, who are you to counter God’s Word and tell others to totally disregard Hell because you find it too hard to fathom? Also, your definition of “Love” is not God’s definition of Love. God says the following in 1 John: 2This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. 3In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome.” Do you find His Commandments to burdensome? Any scholar can tell you that the “spiritual definition” of Hell is “separation from God.” Some will spend eternity with God and some will spend eternity separated from God. This separation from our Creator will be the true Hell. Why does this separation from all that is Holy and good seem so inconceivable to you, particularly since God explains all this in His Word and particularly since we know that “scripture cannot be broken?”
Respectfully submitted in love for correction, a watchman of His Word
God’s “word” is progressive. He made the Old Covenant which was broken by Israel and created a New Covenant. One was a covenant of God with man which man immediately broke. The New Covenant is a covenant made by God the Father with His Son Jesus Christ on behalf of man who slept while the covenant was made. (Abraham is a type) It was all God, none of man. To mix the two covenants puts burdens upon man which no man can carry although millions of Pharisaic-spirited Christians put these burdens upon others while they themselves do not carry them. A good comparison between the two covenants is at: http://tentmakerwordpress.hopeforallfellowship.com/tracts/OldVsNewCovenant.html
Another article dealing with the differences between the two covenants is:
The New Covenant is NOT the Old Covenant written on our hearts with the Holy Spirit as our help. The Old Covenant was based upon works of the flesh, the New Covenant was based upon forgiveness and love. Those who try to be pleasing to God through letter keeping end up killing their brothers and sisters with guilt. God’s holiness is NOT about some Christian’s concept of God’s moral standards, which vary from person to person. God is holy in that He is not a liar like man. Those who pretend to be holy, to pretend they can keep God’s commandments, thinking they are the Old Testament Laws are deceiving themselves and at the same time putting burdens upon weaker vessels who will be crushed by the burdens they heap upon those they try to influence. Those of you who read this post, be VERY CAREFUL about listening to those who call themselves a “watchman” for the Lord. Be careful of those who advertise themselves as apostles and prophets. True apostles and prophets don’t need to self-promote, God establishes their word.
Psalm 50: 17-22
“17For you refuse my discipline
and treat my words like trash.
19Your mouth is filled with wickedness,
and your tongue is full of lies.
20You sit around and slander your brother—
your own mother’s son.
21While you did all this, I remained silent…and you thought I didn’t care.
But now I will rebuke you,
listing all my charges against you.
22Repent, all of you who forget me,
or I will tear you apart,
and no one will help you…”
NOTE-See how taking things out of context we can make scripture mean anything we want?
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.
Respectfully submitted in love for correction, a watchman of His Word
A watchman of His Word you are not. For a true watchman would know that God is Love. A very special love…a love that NEVER fails. A Word that NEVER fails. It seems watchman, you watch over the words of the evil one who makes our Father’s love look worse than Hitler, for Hitler would never do what you ascribe to our Father. Fortunately for all of us, our Father hears the words of the Son and answers them: “Father forgiven them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
totally agree..can never come to terms with God saying i have formed you in the womb then the idea that all that beauty and joy was created to be tortured for eternity..seems so at odds with love