A Better End

“Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof . . .” Ecclesiastes 7:8

The Victorious Gospel of Jesus Christ has had many names over the centuries — “a better end” was one I had not heard of before until recently. A man whose father was dying in a VA hospital discovered that the teaching of universal salvation through Jesus Christ was a much better ending than the traditional church gospels which have most of mankind eternal estranged from God for all eternity. Death sometimes has a way of bringing us to better senses.

The early believers in Christ called the Victorious Gospel, apokatastasis, that is, the restoration of all things as spoken by the mouth of the prophets. (Acts 3:21) It has been called universalism, ultimate reconciliation, universal salvation, universal restoration, universal restitution, the restitution of all, the larger hope, the greater faith, doctrine of inclusion, restorationism, gospel of the Happy God, wider hope, Christian Universalism, Biblical Universalism, Paul’s Gospel, the Glorious Gospel and I’m sure many more names. If the reader has heard of another name, please pass it on to me. We’ll include it in this list.

Yes, our heavenly Father, indeed, has “a better end” for the heavens and earth than has been taught by Christendom for close to two millennium.  Our Risen Savior did a much better job in reconciling all things unto Himself than what the traditional church has taught. (Col. 1:16-20) Do you want to enter into the joy of the Lord? Learn the meaning of all in “Savior of all.” John 4:42; 1 John 4:14, 1 Tim. 4:9-11. Rejoice in the fact that all means all.

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