Recently I watched an excellent documentary narrated by Matt Damon entitled “Inside Job.” The video detailed the ponzi scheme, bankers, investment bankers, Harvard professors, insurance companies, federal reserve personnel and other predatory financial services people orchestrated to steal hundreds of billions of dollars from ordinary people. I highly recommend the video. The video really lays out how corrupt the financial services sector of the Western economies have become. What is so disheartening is that those at the top knew how toxic the packages they put together were. At the height of the scheme, they actually bet against their own investments and made billions betting AGAINST their own investment packages. They made billions on the way up and billions on the way down. And not a single one of these thieves went to jail for their corrupt and illegal practices. That should get a few people stirred enough to open their mouth.
Today, I got sort of a shocker in the Spirit. I’ve shared with many people my belief based upon Scripture and Revelation that Jesus Christ is, indeed, the Savior of the whole world — that Hell will ultimately be empty. Many Christians take offense with this glorious teaching that really should make any heart glad. But most of the time when I share this good news with Christians, I usually get a sharp rebuke and they never speak to me again. But many say something like, “I hope you are right.” Rarely do these “I hope you are right” believers go to the scriptures, study the early church writings or sincerely seek God on it, they simply say, “I hope you are right,” and then go back to their hellfire and damnation church. They do NOT take a stand for their hope that I am right. They do NOT go and study to see if these things be true. They go right back into their traditional church that trashes the cross and makes Jesus look like the greatest failure that ever walked this planet. They put their money on Hell — that God trashes most of mankind. They support churches that teach Jesus loses most of mankind. Their money is on churches that teach eternal damnation is true while at the same time placate me with a “I hope you are right” statement. This insincerity sounds to me like these financial thieves who have set up deals in which they win both ways at the expense of the innocent. “I hope you are right, Gary, but my money is on Hell. I’m buying insurance by going to a hellfire and damnation church and putting my offerings in the basket just in case Hell is real.”
Is this double-minded or what? Is this the hypocrisy Jesus accused the Pharisees for? They are propping up the lie, perpetuating the false teaching of Hell with their presence and finances just in case it’s true. If you are in this camp, be assured, this double-mindedness will not serve you, nor your family, nor the kingdom of God! Repent for the kingdom of the Savior of the world is at hand!
4 thoughts on “Betting on Hell”
I came to knowledge of this GREAT truth after searching for comfort after my father died in 1994 without “accepting” Jesus as his savior. My dad was not beligerant regarding the truth. He said he did believe a man named Jesus walked the earth at one time but he couldn’t accept that He was risen from the grave. I was distraught when he passed away and began to research. Tentmaker helped me so much in coming to the knowledge of the GOOD NEWS gospel. However, saying that, I don’t live my life as a woman that truly loves the Lord. I know I drink too much. I have anger issues and deal with anxiety and depression.I will be ashamed when I stand before Jesus, or kneel on my face at his feet. Church legalism destroyed my spirit. Works salvation wore me out. When I was a legalist “christian” I truly did walk the walk and talk the talk that I believed at that time. Now that I KNOW that my works have nothing to do with my salvation, why don’t I live as such and love the Lord more???????????????????? Thanks for “listening”…………………….
Hello Gary!
The issue on hell has been a message that people or most “christian” have always believed on based on teachings from pastors who misinterprete the word of God and find it difficult to change due to fear of loosing their members.
The reality of knowing that hell does not exist has made me free indeed, but most “believers” think it is too good for them to have a free life because it will lead them into SIN.
All they think is… Why will God give such freedom?, they say the message is from the pit of Hell,that the Devil is using it to lure men to Hell.
Those that God has called will walk in the truth.
Continue your good work.
Gary: Fear is the messenger of darkness and I guess it will remain until God’s purpose for it is finished.
When I came to the realization that God was and is saving everyone through the work of Christ on the Cross I couldn’t help but tell my kids, my grandkids and my siblings in the form of a letter along with tracts that I had made proclaiming the Blessed Hope. How can we not tell people of this ? Yes, there will be naysayers and church folk who will try to tell us otherwise because they have been well indoctrinated by the traditions of men for 1500 years but don’t give up hope because there are still many who need to hear this Better Good News and will receive it gladly.
I received some godly admonishment from Gerry Beauchemin, author of Hope Beyond Hell, today after telling him about my encounter with a Pentecostal fellow while at the grocery store. It wasn’t pretty and ended in an abrupt departure by both of us because of my stance on universal salvation and his insistence that one must be baptized by the Holy Spirit to be saved. Gerry encouraged me to gracefully present the truth in situations like that . I told him ” may I grow in grace in this regard.” I’ve since thought about Jesus and the Pharisees . As I recall in the red letter bibles there were a lot of exclamation points when Jesus talked to them but I got Gerry’s point and pray that I will be as gentle as a dove in the future.
So let’s stay strong in the Lord and get the Word out.
It is just like,e the last church I attended before leaving for good. The senior pastor stood before the church and lied about an issue, got caught in the lie, was called to account and asked to repent or resign (by myself), and then stood once again before the church and doubled down, saying if he had to do the situation all over again, he would lie again. Nearly the whole church stood with him, confirmed his lie, and said they still loved him and supported him, regardless, never calling him to repentance themselves. The situation was swept under the rug and all is well, supposedly. People say they want the truth, say they will follow the truth, say they love God and Jesus, yet, when confronted with it starkly, they run back to the old and familiar. They can’t handle the truth, mainly because the truth is not in them yet and they cannot be set free with the truth. Yet, we are told to continue to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and pray that God will draw more men to Himself during their life here in this age. Thank you for all your great work! It has been used of God to transform my life. Keep pressing on, brother, knowing God is richly blessing you!