Yearly Archives: 2011

33 posts

Jesus Gun

Compassionate, Conservative, Right Wing, Republican, Gun-toting Christianity

Compassionate Conservative Christianity? by Gary Amirault Why is it that those Christians who want to put Christ back into Christmas, who want to stick the Ten Commandments in schools and public buildings, who strongly support the death penalty, who are often armed like a small army, who usually support war […]



Entitlements? By Gary Amirault George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four (1984) should be required reading for every citizen of the United States. The language the elite used in his book to make evil sound good and good sound evil was called “newspeak.” Today, the news media, military-industrial complex,  think tanks, financial industry […]

raging wrath of man

Projecting Our Vengeance On To God has just informed the public that the United States Air force had in place a training program for its airmen to brainwashed them as to the ethics of blasting hundreds of thousands of human souls into vapor using of all things, the Bible, Saint Augustine and a former Nazi […]