If the Light in You is Dark…
Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body.
If you live wide-eyed in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light.
If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar.
Keep your eyes open, your lamp burning, so you don’t get musty and murky. (Luke 11:34-35, Message)
I received an interesting email recently. A man was trying to make 1 Timothy 4:10 into a theology in which most of mankind would forever be separated from God in a horrible place called Hell. And he couldn’t. Here’s the verse in the King James Version:
“This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. These things command and teach.” (1 Timothy 4:9-11, KJV)
Here’s his email to me: “I struggled with 1 Timothy 4:10 for three whole days, trying my hardest to reconcile it with eternal hell for nonbelievers. To no avail, God gave me the ability to simply read the verse in faith and His Spirit illuminated that verse to heart and, for the first time ever, I saw Christ as THE Savior of the world!”
Most Christians, over many years of conditioning in church, are convinced in their minds, most mankind will be tormented in Hell forever and ever. Their minds are so dark with the doctrine of Hell that a verse like 1 Timothy 4:9-11 will not move them into the light. One can give them a 100 verses filled with light and they still will not be convinced. Why? Because the light in them is religious darkness and how great is that darkness!
There are many scores of such bold declarations and promises in the Bible, and yet most Christians simply gloss them by, never pondering the truth contained in them. Here are some in video on YouTube containing some of those glorious verses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRTc45hDGG4
Here’s a booklet containing many such glorious promises on line: https://tentmaker.org/books/ScripturalProofs.html
Here’s a brief list:
- 1 Timothy 2:4 God will have all to be saved
- 1 Timothy 2:6 Salvation of all is testified in due time
- Ephesians 1:11 God works all after the counsel of His will
- John 12:47 Jesus came to save all
- John 4:42 Jesus is the Savior of the world
- 1 John 4:14 Jesus is the Savior of the world
- John 12:32 Jesus draws all to Himself
- Hebrews 7:25 Jesus is able to save to the uttermost
- Colossians 1:15 Jesus is the firstborn of all creation
- Colossians 1:16 By Him all things were created
- Romans 5:15-21 In Adam all condemned, in Christ all live
- 1 Corinthians 15:22 In Adam all die, in Christ all live
- Ephesians 1:10 All come into Him at the fullness of times
- 1 Corinthians 15:26 Last enemy, death, will be destroyed
- Philippians 2:9-11 Every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord
- 1 Corinthians 12:3 Cannot confess except by the Holy Spirit
- Romans 11:26 All Israel will be saved
- Acts 3:20-21 Restitution of all
- Luke 2:10 Jesus will be joy to all people
- Ephesians 2:7 His grace shown in the ages to come
- Hebrews 8:11-12 All will know God
- Titus 2:11 Grace has appeared to all
- Romans 8:19-21 Creation set at liberty
- Colossians 1:20 All reconciled unto God
- 1 Corinthians 4:5 All will have praise of God
- James 5:11 End of the Lord is full of mercy
- Revelation 15:4 All nations worship when judgments are seen
- II Corinthians 5:17 New creation in Christ
- Romans 11:32 All subject to unbelief, mercy on all
- Romans 11:36 All out of God, through Him, and into Him
- Ephesians 4:10 Jesus will fill all things
- Revelation 5:13 All creation seen praising God
- 1 Corinthians 15:28 God will be all in all
- Revelation 21:4-5 No more tears, all things made new
- John 5:25 All dead who hear will live
- John 5:28 All in the grave will hear and come forth
- 1 Corinthians 3:15 All saved, so as by fire
- Mark 9:49 Everyone shall be salted with fire
- Romans 11:15 Reconciliation of the world
- II Corinthians 5:15 Jesus died for all
- John 8:29 He always does what pleases His Father
- Hebrews 1:2 He is heir of all things
- John 3:35 All has been given into His hand
- John 17:2 Jesus will give eternal life to all whom His Father gives to Him
- John 13:3 The Father gave Him all things
- I Timothy 4:9-11 Jesus is the Savior of all
- Isaiah 46:10 God will do all His pleasure
- Daniel 4:35 God’s will done in heaven and earth
- Proverbs 16:9 Man devises, God directs his steps
- Proverbs 19:21 Man devises, but God’s counsel stands
- Psalms 33:15 God fashions all hearts
- Deuteronomy 32:39 God kills and makes alive
- Psalms 90:3 God turns man to destruction then says “return”
- Lamentations 3:31,32God will not cast off forever
- Isaiah 2:2 All nations shall flow to the Lord’s house
- Genesis 18:18 All families of earth will be blessed
- Isaiah 45:23 All descendants of Israel justified
- Psalms 138:4 All kings will praise God
- Psalms 72:18 God only does wondrous things
- Psalms 86:9 All nations will worship God
- Psalms 65:2-4 All flesh will come to God
- Psalms 66:3-4 Enemies will submit to God
- Isaiah 19:14-25 Egypt and Assyria will be restored
- Ezekiel 16:55 Sodom will be restored
- Psalms 22:25-29 All will turn to the Lord and all families will worship before Him
- Psalms 145:9-10 He is goo to all and merciful to all His work
- Psalms 145:14 God raises all who fall
- Psalms 145:16 God satisfied the desire of the living
- Psalms 145:10 All God’s will praise Him
- Isaiah 25:6 Lord makes feast for all people
- Isaiah 25:7 Will destroy veil that is spread over all nations
- Isaiah 25:8 He will swallow up death in victory
- Jeremiah 32:35 Never entered His mind to burn people in fire
- Psalms 135:6 God does what pleases Him
If it pleases Him to draw, save, restore, reconcile, all mankind to Himself, does it please you? Are you overjoyed with such Good News? Can you read the above verses in faith? Or do you prefer to remain in your unbelief?
5 thoughts on “Dark Light and Light Light”
People like Dr. Powers, an ultra Calvinist on steroids and the Watchmen will come around in God’s due time so I don’t worry about them even though they live in darkness. They are the enemy that we are to love and ultimately God’s irresistible love and grace will bring them around in due time.
I love this website! This is a great list. I’ve been slowly making one of my own, but this sums it up much better. I used to believe in an everlasting hell and it scared the daylights out of me. But now I see it as an infraction on the character of God to believe he would create a being only to subject it to everlasting torture.
Dear Sir:
Last words are usually very important … Consider Jesus’ last Commandment in the Bible: Jesus says that anyone who “adds to” or “subtracts from God’s Word” will be under a curse !!! Jesus Saves, not sweet words of emotionalism from a man who is trying to re-write and re-right God’s Commandments. Anyone who says Hell doesn’t exist will have the opportunity to stand in front of God at the judgment and tell God He doesn’t know what He is talking about. I would not want to be in that man’s shoes.
Respectfully submitted in love for correction.
Here is another for you Gary – He is able to make ALL STAND BEFORE HIS JUDGMENT SEAT. He is able to make all stand…not to judge them but to MAKE THEM STAND. Narrow is the Way to Life and few there be that find it, and BROAD is the WAY which leads to oblivion, and MANY ENTER IN BY IT – but they still enter in, yet by destruction, so that their Spirit may be “saved” in the Day or Light of the Lord and our God is a consuming LIGHT and the DAY of the Lord is the LIGHT of the Lord.
And of course 1 Cor 15:22.
22. For whereas through Adam all humanity died, likewise through Christ all of them shall Live.
(VA Aramaic Trans)
Gary – I asked Jesus recently to tell me about the sheep and goats. The answer is that the sheep are on His Right Hand which signifies authority, and that they are under His, while the Left signifies healing and that those who are gathered or divided to the left are in fact still in need of healing. 0(:->) Nice.