- Jesus' Teaching On Hell The reader will be shocked how Jesus' teaching on Hell differs from Church traditions.
- Chart of words translated Hell in some Bibles
- The Harrowing of Hell by Gary Amirault. — The Ancient Church's Apostle's Creed taught Christ descended into Hell to deliver its inhabitants. The modern church seems to have abandoned that view. Who was right?
- The Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment — this book traces the history of the concept of Hell and Everlasting Punishment to their original sources.
- Bible Threatenings Explained — A book which sheds light on all the Scriptures that appear to teach Hell, everlasting punishment or annihilation.
- Universalism the Prevailing Doctrine — Contrary to modern theological opinion, the early church did NOT teach a Hell of everlasting punishment, but of the Salvation of all mankind through Jesus Christ. This book reveals the beliefs of the early Christians and their leaders up to the 6th century.
- Hope for all Generations and Nations — Popular Christianity does not offer hope for all mankind, but true biblical Christianity offers hope for all nations and generations. (331k)
- The Testimony of Ted Jones — The story of a man who suffered a nervous breakdown resulting from his belief in eternal torment.
- Can Children Go to Hell? — Ted Jones questions Calvinism's cruel belief that infants can be condemned to eternal torment.
- Just What the Hell is Hell? — A fun poem about the word "hell" and its true meaning.
- Christian Bible Translations Which do not Teach 'Hell' — A look at the word treatment of the word "hell" in various Bible translations.
- The Bible Hell by J.W. Hanson (146k)
- The Testimony of Mervin L. Behlen — Driven into a nervous breakdown from the doctrine of Hell.
Lake of Fire
- The Lake of Fire by J. Preston Eby. — What is the significance of the words "lake of fire?" Do the words indicate a literal place of fire as we know it?
- The Lake of Fire and Brimstone — from the book Is Hell Eternal? Or Will God's Plan Fail By Charles Pridgeon
Rich Man and Lazarus
- The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus by L. Ray Smith. A thorough treatment of one of Jesus' parables.
- The Real Meaning of Lazarus and the Rich Man by Ernest L. Martin, PhD.
- Lazarus and the Rich Man by Bryan T. Huie — Short article revealing this parable refers to the removal of the kingdom from Israel to be given to the gentiles; it is NOT about Hell.
- The Rich Man and Lazarus by J. Patching — Contrary to the "traditional" interpretation of this parable, Hell is NOT the subject matter. Jesus, in this parable as well as others explains that the kingdom of God is about to be taken from Israel and to be given to another nation which will bring forth the fruits which Israel did not bring forth.
- Rich Man & Lazarus by J.F. Witherell — Will the rich man spend eternity in hell?
- A Brief Answer on Lazarus and the Rich Man
- Abraham's Bosom — A Treatment of the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus by J. Preston Eby
- Rich Man and Lazarus and Hell Another treatment of this parable pointing to the chasm between law and grace, between Old Covenant and New Covenant, between Jew and Gentile.