Christian Foundational Teachings
- DoubleCross by Dan Stone. Most Christians live a defeated life because they do not realize they have been crucified with Christ.
- Conformed to the Image of Christ by Hannah Whitall Smith
- In Christ by T. Austin-Sparks
- The Five Points of the New Theology (Based on the Five Points of Calvinism) by James Freeman Clarke
- How Salvation and Healing Comes - by Patrick Strickland - Have we put too much emphasis on man's obedience and not enough on God's promises?
- Absolute Assurance in Jesus Christ (Four Views of the Salvation of Our God) - If you have been devastated by spiritual abuse or fear of God's hopeless abandonment, this book will change your life.
- Looking into the Face of Christ - The noise and pace of this world may cause one to loose sight of the most important thing in the world--the Face of God.
- The Rich Man & Lazarus --Will he spend eternity in hell?
- Hope for all Generations and Nations --Popular Christianity does not offer hope for all mankind, but true biblical Christianity offers hope for all nations and generations. (331k)
- The Bread of Life and the Hidden Manna --Breaking Bread #2
- The Pillar Laws of the New Testament --...and they aren't "Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself"
- The Utter Simplicity of the Gospel --By Ted Jones.
- The Purpose of the Law --by A.P. Adams
- Sovereignty --A Scriptural peak into God's absolute sovereignty over all His creation.
- Knowing Jesus --He is the incarnate manifestation of the Word of God. By Mike Peters.
- Is Jesus the World's Greatest Sinner? --No! Even though that is what most Christian teachings imply.
- Truth Seekers --God reveals truth only to those who truly seek it.
- Sovereignty Scriptures --Long list (70.8k) of scriptures declaring the sovereignty of God.
- The Sovereignty of God or the Sovereignty of Man?" --Shows how the doctrine of man's free will contradicts principles given in Scripture.
- The Judgment --from The Savior of the World series - Just what do you mean by Judgment? - J. Preston Eby
- Man Is a Free Moral Agent? --from The Savior of the World series - Will God force you to love Him against your "free will?"- J. Preston Eby