"Now that I know God is not willing that any should perish I can truly love him."
Steve Walters, at age 16
This message of God's love has been like a breath of fresh air to me. For the past four or five years I've been bogged down with teaching of Gods wrath and hatred for sin that I started to believe that almost nobody would be saved. I believed that you had to be 100% in-love and sold out to God when you die or God would turn his back on you and throw you into Hell. I feared God and tried to obey so I wouldn't go to Hell. I couldn't fall in love with God because I was too afraid of him.
Now that I know the degree of his love I am able to just enjoy him and enjoy life. I don't need to spend all of my life watching my step and letting sin run my life, but just let God do in me what he wants. I feel a lot more free in my life, from sin and to be myself.
I am now starting to taste true freedom, of which I never could when I was running from sin. Now that I know God is not willing that any should perish I can truly love him.
Steve Walters