Carlton Pearson's Doctrine of Inclusion (Universalism)

Articles on the Message of Universal Salvation coming from a "Doctrine of Inclusion" slant.

Christianity's "Bad Boy" Carlton Pearson is making the news again outing the pagan myth of Hell on ABC's 20/20 Friday night at 10PM EDT, 2007. The title of the show is "Hell: Our Fear and Fascination." Good Morning America advertised the show with a small segment which can be found at:

A good source of books on the subject of Universal Salvation through Jesus Christ and the truth about Hell at:
Tentmaker Resources

NBC's Dateline featured a debate on the subject of Hell between two nationally recognized Christian Ministers: Ted Haggard, President of the National Evangelical Association and Pastor of mega-church New Life Church in Colorado Springs and Bishop Carlton Pearson, Pastor of New Dimensions Church in Tulsa Oklahoma. According to MSNBC the time slots for the show are:
NBC's Dateline Sunday, August 13, 2006 Sunday, 7 PM Eastern, 6PM Central, 2006

According to MSNBC, Dateline broadcasts:
Day and time: NBC telecasts Sundays (7 p.m. ET) and Saturdays (8 p.m. ET). See article for more information:
Debate on Hell between Ted Haggard and Carlton Pearson on NBC's Dateline

A brief introduction to the "Doctrine of Inclusion" made famous by Carlton Pearson, otherwise known as Universalism or the "restoration of all things" (apokatastasis) as the Bible puts it.
Introduction to the Doctrine of Inclusion (Carlton Pearson)

Carlton Pearson is becoming a posterboy for the message of universalism. Is his form of universalism biblical and excepted by most Christian who believe Jesus will save all mankind?
The Dangers of Carlton Pearson’s “Doctrine of Inclusion” (Universalism)

What exactly is Carlton D. Pearson's "Doctrine of Inclusion?" Gary Amirault was asked by Carlton Pearson to write an article for a newspaper regarding this doctrine. Has Carlton deviated from what he first believed?
What is Carlton Pearson's "Doctrine of Inclusion."

For many Christians, the word Universalism usually brings up a lot of negative information fed to them by pastors and church leaders who have never really studied the teaching out themselves. There are many forms of "universalism" even as there are thousands of Protestant denominations. Learn some basics about universalism or the Doctrine of Inclusion from this article.
Refutation, Rebuttal, Exposition and Explanation of Universalism