Was John G. Lake A Universalist?

By Gary AmiraultJohn_G._Lake

John G. Lake was a very famous healing evangelist at the turn of the nineteenth century. His name is well known in that part of the Church that believes in divine healing. In the book “John G. Lake, The Complete Collection of His Teachings,” Roberts Liardon, author of the book, on page 263 quotes John G. Lake as saying:

“I knew one man who once said in my hearing that he prayed that God Almighty would cause him to grow big enough in God and pure enough in heart that he might go even to the damned and preach Jesus Christ and His resurrection and His salvation. My soul said ‘Amen,’ and it has been saying amen ever since. Blessed be his name.”

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that the “gates of Hell/hades will not prevail against His church/called-out ones.” God has an army of hell-busters that will knock down the gates of Hell and set the prisoners free. It is a rare heart in the Church that can say “Amen” to the idea that Jesus will be victorious over all; that Hell will be empty and heaven will be full; that the all who died in Adam will be made alive in Christ. The teaching of universal salvation has brought much persecution against those who have not only embraced the message in their heart but have actually expressed that hope in the Church.

When you contemplate the idea that Jesus will draw ALL mankind to Himself, does your heart say “Amen?” Or does it reject the idea as impossible? Will you be a hell-buster? Or will you sit on the sidelines?

For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the one shall the many be made righteous. Romans 5:19

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