Who is David? Who is Goliath? Who Will Win? Isa 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their tanks into plowshares, and their bombs into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any […]
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“Tragically, the international community too often ignores the cries for help and the citizens of Palestine are treated more like animals than like human beings,” he said Tuesday as he toured the war-torn, blockaded Gaza Strip.
Get informed, American news media will not give you the truth. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/
Invoking the Holocaust to Defend the Occupation By John Mearsheimer For American readers, the great virtue of Avraham Burg’s important new book is that he says things about Israel and the Jewish people that are hardly ever heard in mainstream discourse in the United States. It is hard to believe […]