The Failing Gods of Christianity By Gary Amirault Having visited literally hundreds of different Churches of dozens of different denominations (and studied about many more), I’ve come to a startling conclusion: almost without exception, organized Christian or quasi-Christian churches love gods who fail. Even moreso, these denominations will actually ban […]
At Tentmaker Ministries, we (Gary and Michelle Amirault) get thousands upon thousands of letters, phone calls and emails from people around the world often asking deep questions — soul searching. Very often it is the tragic death of a loved one or an acquaintance that stirs those important questions that […]
For this Lutheran Pastor, Hell is Unexplainable. “For me it is unexplainable how a person who holds the orthodox view [of eternal torment] can at any time have a glad moment in this life. He is constantly mingling with people whose final destiny will be to be tormented eternally without […]
By Gary Amirault For the most part, people expect heaven to be full of good people and hell to be full of bad people. But really “good” people are kind, compassionate, merciful, forgiving, caring not willing that any suffer, especially suffer eternally. People of heart could never be happy seeing […]
Bible Threatenings Explained; or, Passages of Scripture Sometimes Quoted to Prove Endless Punishment Shown to Teach Consequences of Limited Duration. (The following is part of the introduction of Dr. John Wesley Hanson’s book Bible Threatenings Explained. This part of the book contains a critical principle when reading the Bible, a […]
Christian Biblical Universalism believes the Creator’s Love, Mercy, & Forgiveness is for ALL mankind, that ultimately all mankind will be saved through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Presently, the majority of the Church believes most of mankind created by God will be eternall estranged from God to […]
The week of February 21 through 28 the 700 Club on Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) is going to feature interviews on those who claimed to have gone either heaven and/or hell. I received the following email notice from the 700 Club: Next Week on The 700 Club Be sure to […]
If eternal hell fire was a reality don’t you think Christ and the apostles would have spread the word to everyone not just to the Jews right at the beginning? What a travesty if Jesus, who supposedly came to save the entire world told His disciples to skip the Gentiles and Samaritans […]