Memorial Day Message Stop it! Just Stop it! The Statue Pieta was created by a mother her lost her son in WWI and her grandson in WWII
“Who Would Do Such A Thing?” Those are the first words I heard on one the major American television networks. I thought, is this network completely insane from top to bottom? They cover news around the world. They know, we Americans, are the largest bomb manufacturer in the world. They […] has just informed the public that the United States Air force had in place a training program for its airmen to brainwashed them as to the ethics of blasting hundreds of thousands of human souls into vapor using of all things, the Bible, Saint Augustine and a former Nazi […]
Who is David? Who is Goliath? Who Will Win? Isa 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their tanks into plowshares, and their bombs into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any […]