
35 posts


Tragic Truth by Gary Amirault, Tentmaker Ministries

At Tentmaker Ministries, we (Gary and Michelle Amirault) get thousands upon thousands of letters, phone calls and emails from people around the world often asking deep questions — soul searching. Very often it is the tragic death of a loved one or an acquaintance that stirs those important questions that […]

Wailing wall

One Man’s Heaven Is Another Man’s Hell

Some see flames and see eternal damnation, a lake of fire, torment, torture, terror, everlasting hatred, God’s wrath burning forever…others God in His glory…a consuming fire of eternal compassion. The veil of the mind determines what you see. The veil of the mind and the hardness of the heart determines […]

Fundamentalists And Evangelicals By Definition Are Heretics

Fundamentalists and Evangelicals By Definition Are Heretics By Gary Amirault Most Fundamentalists and Evangelicals believe in the Doctrine of Free Will. One must choose to believe and follow Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior in this lifetime or be damned to everlasting punishment in a lake of fire […]

Rob Bell at the Gates of Hell

By Gary Amirault, Tentmaker Ministries Based upon all the Twitter twatter, Facebook posts, Blogger blops and secular and Christian media articles it’s getting hot as Hell in the Evanglical world. Maybe the “Gates of Hell” Jesus spoke of are finally being breached, but not the way we expected. Rob Bell’s […]