Elena Amirault Polson, daughter of Gary and MIchelle Amirault, shares on life; originally the closing paragraph of her website announcement of her dad’s passing. Read the rest on the About and Tribute pages: “We all have our own unique path on our time here on Earth. It is quite astounding […]
Born Caged By Gary Amirault “Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.” Jodorowski That is why we must be born anew to truly fly freely. When the Son truly sets you free then “your dreams will be bigger than your fears, your actions will be louder than […]
My Hermann, MO. Post Office By Gary Amirault I came into my local Hermann, Missouri Post Office the other day with “Wait! Oh yes, wait a minute.” With that clue, they were supposed to guess the NAME THAT TUNE, “Please Mr. Postman,” recorded by the Marvelletes in 1961 and the […]
Preaching and teaching Universal Salvation through Jesus Christ puts me in a position of getting a LOT of comments, questions, threats, etc. One of the main comments I get from traditional Christian Hell-believers is that they are much safer with believing in Hell than believing like myself, that Jesus is […]
Recently I watched an excellent documentary narrated by Matt Damon entitled “Inside Job.” The video detailed the ponzi scheme, bankers, investment bankers, Harvard professors, insurance companies, federal reserve personnel and other predatory financial services people orchestrated to steal hundreds of billions of dollars from ordinary people. I highly recommend the […]
It is often taught by the traditional church that there must be a Hell because God’s love demands it. According to tradition, humans must be able to chose freely to love God or else it is not true love. God forcing people to heaven would be “spiritual rape.” True love, […]
My wife and I heard a traveling evangelist categorically state that man’s will is greater than God’s will. Perhaps you have never thought about it, but if you attend a traditional Christian Church, while you may never have voiced it, you too, believe your will is greater than God’s. God’s […]
By Gary Amirault For those of you who have come to the realization and faith that Jesus Christ is indeed the Savior of the whole world (and have held that belief for any length of time), you know there is a real burden with embracing and sharing this truly Good […]
Picture the following words coming out of the mother’s mouth as she feeds her child: “I love you sooo much, little one. I’m going to raise you in a godly way. I’ll have you Christened, take you to church every Sunday, send you to Sunday school and VBS. I’ll teach […]
If All go to heaven, what are we saved from? We’re saved from the lie of conditional love….. …..that is, we are if we have come to Christ having heard the WHOLE gospel (of universal salvation.) *We’re saved from the lie of a god that tortures his own offspring for eternity. […]