
22 posts

raging wrath of man

Projecting Our Vengeance On To God has just informed the public that the United States Air force had in place a training program for its airmen to brainwashed them as to the ethics of blasting hundreds of thousands of human souls into vapor using of all things, the Bible, Saint Augustine and a former Nazi […]

Exaggerating God?

Isn’t it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exaggerate? Francis Chan, author of “Crazy Love,” and “Erasing Hell” In this present dispensation of confusion, we, Christians say a lot of things we don’t really mean. For example, did Francis Chan really mean what he said? Let’s see. The […]

another chance

The Failing Gods of Christianity

The Failing Gods of Christianity By Gary Amirault Having visited literally hundreds of different Churches of dozens of different denominations (and studied about many more), I’ve come to a startling conclusion: almost without exception, organized Christian or quasi-Christian churches love gods who fail. Even moreso, these denominations will actually ban […]


Tragic Truth by Gary Amirault, Tentmaker Ministries

At Tentmaker Ministries, we (Gary and Michelle Amirault) get thousands upon thousands of letters, phone calls and emails from people around the world often asking deep questions — soul searching. Very often it is the tragic death of a loved one or an acquaintance that stirs those important questions that […]

Wailing wall

One Man’s Heaven Is Another Man’s Hell

Some see flames and see eternal damnation, a lake of fire, torment, torture, terror, everlasting hatred, God’s wrath burning forever…others God in His glory…a consuming fire of eternal compassion. The veil of the mind determines what you see. The veil of the mind and the hardness of the heart determines […]