“Who Would Do Such A Thing?” Those are the first words I heard on one the major American television networks. I thought, is this network completely insane from top to bottom? They cover news around the world. They know, we Americans, are the largest bomb manufacturer in the world. They know we have killed more civilians in more countries “defending” our interests in “their” countries in the last half decade than any other country in the world. They know that when bombs fall, far more civilians are killed than soldiers. They know all this and still have the audacity to ask, “Who would do such a thing?” Is their any conscience left in the media? Is there any sanity? Any integrity? All they would have to do is look in the mirror for their answer!
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2 thoughts on “Boston Bombing Bizarre”
It’s pretty sick what the military/industrial complex has done in and through our country. I’ve always had a problem with the blessing of America only as in “God Bless America”. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world not just America so we should be saying God Bless everyone all over the world!
The corporate owned media doesn’t go out of its way to tell us how many people that we kill as collateral damage during our police actions around the world so that our commerce can continue.
I try not to get too depressed over it and keep my eyes on the Blessed Hope and telling folks that there is a better gospel and a better way by trying to live it daily as we all must do as Sons and Daughters in Christ.
Gary –
You are absolutely right. As long as people keep building and manufacturing bombs and guns for a “living” we can only expect to reap death. It’s that simple.