It is often taught by the traditional church that there must be a Hell because God’s love demands it. According to tradition, humans must be able to chose freely to love God or else it is not true love. God forcing people to heaven would be “spiritual rape.” True love, […]
Yearly Archives: 2013
True Love has a name.
By Gary Amirault John G. Lake was a very famous healing evangelist at the turn of the nineteenth century. His name is well known in that part of the Church that believes in divine healing. In the book “John G. Lake, The Complete Collection of His Teachings,” Roberts Liardon, author […]
The United States government and its agencies have committed many atrocities in the world in the name of God, country, freedom and democracy while most of its people were busy watching “Dancing with the Stars” and “American Idol.” One of the greatest tragedies was placing food sanctions on the Iraqi […]
My wife and I heard a traveling evangelist categorically state that man’s will is greater than God’s will. Perhaps you have never thought about it, but if you attend a traditional Christian Church, while you may never have voiced it, you too, believe your will is greater than God’s. God’s […]
By Gary Amirault Imagine yourself in a state of poverty in which you felt your children were better off with strangers than with yourself because you were unable to care for them. What qualifications would you be looking for in the stranger who offered to buy them? How careful would […]
By Gary Amirault For those of you who have come to the realization and faith that Jesus Christ is indeed the Savior of the whole world (and have held that belief for any length of time), you know there is a real burden with embracing and sharing this truly Good […]
By Gary Amirault In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, Paul exhorts that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men because this was “good and acceptable in the sight of God our savior Who will have all men to be […]
Oh, America, Israel, Britian, France, NATO, have you not read and heard a thousand times over that you will surely reap what you have sown? Job 4:8 As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it. […]
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 Please, receive our Father’s forgiveness for Christ’s sake and yours.