Matt Slick's Slick Double Talk (CARM)

Matt Slick Consistently Contradicts Himself

Anyone who has ever spent a great deal of time on the CARM discussion boards and has engaged Matt Slick, the founder and owner of Christian Apologetics and Research Ministries, will know him for his intolerance and double standards. “Do as I say, not as I do” is one of Matt Slick’s many rules for his discussion boards. “I am god at CARM, there is no other” might be another one of his golden rules. Below is an example of the kind of double talk and dishonesty he is famous for. Matt Slick will allow all sorts of unbelievers to post on his site, atheists, Satanists and every cult imaginable. There is only one group which he will not tolerate nor allow to post anything on his boards. If the moderators find out someone believes in Scriptures like these two, they will automatically be banned. Certain Scriptures are simply not tolerated at CARM, those of a universalistic variety. (And there are many in the Bible).:

1 Timothy 2:3-6 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

1 Timothy 4:9-11 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. These things command and teach.

If you say you truly believe and teach this glorious truth, that God will have all men to be saved, Matt Slick and his “elves” (as he used to call his moderators), will quickly put the boot to you. In one of his softer moments, he wrote the following article, an article that is completely meaningless. You see, with all fussing with the importance of getting doctrines absolutely correct, one would think Matt Slick is a straight-laced Evangelical, but he isn’t. No, Matt Slick is a Charismatic Calvinist of the Five Point Tulip variety.

Matt Slick believes all those who will be in heaven were foreordained to be there from the foundation of the world and all those damned to eternal torture were also planned to go there at that same time. Matt does not believe man has the will to chose to be saved. One is born to rot or born to glory and there is NOTHING one can do to alter their fate.

So all this double talk below about making decisions that may effect one’s destiny is a bunch of baloney. Matt doesn’t believe a word of what he wrote if he is true to his Calvinistic doctrines (and he assured me he is.) As you read this short article by Matt Slick, founder of CARM, see if it makes any sense to you in light of the fact that he and his Calvinist friends believe that those who are destined for Hell from the foundation of the world can’t do a single thing to change their fate and those who are saved will be saved because God chose them from the foundation of the world. There is nothing they can do to change that. Of course, the vast majority of Christians including most of those at CARM do not believe Matt Slick doctrines at all. But then most of them do not know what Matt Slick really believes.

Calvinist Doctrine sounds pretty theological on paper, but it can’t be walked out. The doctrine uses Scripture for foundation, but it leaves out scores of other Scripture that contradict it.

According to Matt Slick’s version of Calvinism most of those who walk this planet were foreordained to be eternally tormented that the righteous may more enjoy their chosenness. The saints, according to Calvin, will have full view of the torments of the damned. A mother will be able to see her son in eternal flames in great suffering and she will find comfort in that because she was chosen above all those damned including her son.

According to Matt Slick’s version of Calvinism, those appointed for damnation cannot alter their fate. A dog is a dog. A damned soul will always be a damned soul. There is nothing they can do to alter that. Yet Matt Slick delights in arguing and debating with those who can never be converted or can never see the light. How foolish it would be to rebuke a dog because it can’t think like a human being. And yet this is exactly what Matt Slick does on ALL of his discussion boards. He rebukes and condemns those who according to his own doctrines are unable to come to understanding because God has not given them a heart and mind to understand. The name of his organization is a contradiction to his own doctrines, Christian Apologetics. What purpose is apologetics if it is impossible to convince someone?

Matt Slick has called me (Gary Amirault) a heretic, my teachings “doctrines of demons” and a host of other foul and inhumane things. He said I should repent. Can you see the double-talk here? Can you see now how Calvinism can’t be walked out. If Matt Slick believes his doctrine, he should know that I can’t change, I’m locked into whatever God purposed for me from the beginning of time. As we can see, it would be cruel to beat a dog to death because it can’t behave like a human being. In the very same way, we should be able to see that Matt Slick’s behavior towards non-elect proves he doesn’t believe his own doctrines or he is a very demented person who takes pleasure in tormenting people simply for the pleasure of it.

Below is an article posted on CARM by Matt Slick. Compare Matt’s reasoning with the doctrine of Calvinism’s Five Points (TULIP). After this article is another article on Calvinism from Calvinist Corner, another one of Matt Slick’s sites.

I find it very interesting that the majority of people who frequent CARM would find Matt Slick’s theology heretical. Most Christians, by far, are NOT Calvinists. Calvinism is primarily among the Presbyterians and the Reformed. Some Baptists hold to certain parts like eternal security (once saved, always saved). But they would not adhere to Calvinism’s Limited Atonement or Irresistable Grace doctrines. Furthermore, Matt Slick is a Charismatic believing that the gifts of the Holy Spirit like speaking in tongues is still available to Christians today. By a large majority, most visitors to CARM do not speak in tongues nor would approve of this doctrine. Many Christians believe speaking in tongues is from the devil, not from God. Therefore, according to the majority of those who frequent Christian Apologetics and Research Ministries, Matt Slick is a heretic. Ironic, don’t you think?

As the reader goes through the article below by Matt Slick, keep in mind that Matt believes most of mankind is totally depraved, that man cannot reason, that no matter how much one studies, argues, seeks, he cannot come to salvation through his own choices, efforts or reasoning. Those damned to Matt’s Hell are damned regardless of how much arguing, apologizing or begging goes on. So what’s the point of Matt writing these articles? What’s the point of CARM? There is no point. It’s pointless….IF we believe Calvinism. (The above was written by Gary Amirault)

Can a Christian be a universalist? CARM
By Matt Slick

Is it possible for Christian to be a universalist? Some will say no, others will say yes. My position (Matt Slick) is that it is possible for a Christian to be a universalist -- note, I said "possible". But, to be clear upfront, I believe universalism to be a heresy and I would never say, "Universalists are Christians."

Nevertheless, let's say that there is a man who was not a Christian who believes that everyone will be saved. This man is on his death bed in a hospital and is visited by the hospital Chaplin. The Chaplin gives him the gospel about Jesus being God in flesh, dying for our sins, rising from the dead, the need for repentance from sin, trusting in Christ, etc. The man honestly receives Christ and then dies shortly thereafter yet he never repented of the error of universalism. Is he saved or should we say, "Sorry, even though you trusted Jesus as your savior, believed he is God in flesh, died for your sins, and rose from the dead, but because you also believe everyone will be saved, you are going to hell."? Would anyone condemn a person to eternal fire for simply believing that everyone will be saved? I cannot see that as being the case.

There are essentials of the Christian faith. I have developed a "doctrine grid" where I have tried to arrange essential and non-essential doctrines into an easily understandable system. The essential doctrines are essential because the Bible says they are. Let me give you two examples. In John 8:24 Jesus said, "Unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins." This is an essential doctrine because it has a penalty of damnation for denying it. Likewise 1 Cor. 15:14 says that "if Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain." Here too we see an essential doctrine because there is a condition of condemnation upon its denial. So too with the other essentials (justification by faith, monotheism, and the gospel) that the Scripture declare to be essential. See my doctrine grid again. (Can the reader see how Matt Slick reasons here like an Arminian, not as a Calvinist? What a person believes is irrelevant according to Calvinism. The elect will enter heaven regardless of their beliefs or their deeds. It is God's CHOICE that matters, nothing else. So all this reasoning Matt does in the letter about who is a legitimate Christian is totally irrelevant according to his own doctrine.)

The question is whether or not universalism in itself denies any of the essential doctrines of Christianity. Though I consider universalism to be a dangerous and false belief, I cannot automatically pronounce condemnation upon a person who acknowledges the essentials of the Christian faith and also affirms universal salvation. I don't because I don't see the scriptures doing it. Would I consider someone who holds to both the essentials and universalism to be inconsistent and confused? Absolutely! Should they repent? Yes!

But, should we pronounce the judgment of condemnation upon a person for believing a doctrine that the scriptures have not stated is an essential? For those who would say yes, then are you not elevating the non-essentials to the level of essentials? It would be like a person condemning another to damnation because the latter believes in pre-trib rapture (or post, or mid, or non-cessationism. Since the scriptures do not pronounce judgment of condemnation for a rapture view or a view on the gifts, then neither should we -- and neither should we concerning predestination, election, millennial views, which day to worship on, charismatic gifts, etc., if others hold views different than we do on these issues.

People can be saved in varying degrees of theological error. There are regenerated people who do not understand predestination, don't accept election, don't understand federal headship, are clueless about imputation, Christ's eternal priesthood, covenant, etc., yet they are regenerated. They simply haven't learned those doctrinal truths yet. Are they condemned for not rightly understanding these very important biblical teachings? No, because the ones I just listed in this paragraph are not declared to be essential doctrines by the Bible.

In fact, I did not know that Jesus had physically risen from the dead until two years after I became a Christian. I knew he had risen, but I didn't know how.1 How is that possible? Well, I wasn't taught it or I missed those sermons. But, once I heard the truth, I believed it. Would anyone say I wasn't saved until I believed Jesus physically rose from the dead even though I had received him and trusted him to forgive me of my sins? I certainly hope not. The truth is that I believed in the physical resurrection of Christ because I was saved. I did not become saved because I believed he physically rose. Likewise, for the Calvinists, does regeneration occur when we understand proper doctrine? Or is proper doctrine the result of regeneration? Remember, we are saved in (and from) our sins as well as our errors and God graciously and patiently works correction in us. (Matt Slick)

Furthermore, I believe that a true Christian (if he erringly holds to universalism), will move away from that error because the Holy Spirit will work the truth within him. Eventually, he will repent and reject it.

Also, I would say that a universalist who openly and knowingly affirms universal salvation after having been clearly taught the truth in scripture, and yet continues to hold to a "second chance" doctrine (as some do), and/or punishment in the afterlife for a duration of time and then salvation occurs, is not a Christian. It is these issues that are so serious as to deny justification by faith. But, let me say it one more time, I believe that there can be ignorant people who erringly hold to universalism, who have not thought universalism's position through properly, and have not been properly exposed to the true teachings of the Bible who can be saved. I believe it is "possible" for them to be saved in spite of their inconsistency. That is my position.

Now, am I saying that all universalists can be Christian? Not at all. Do I defend universalism? No. Do I think that universalism is a serious problem that undermines the gospel? Yes, I do. But, I can see a scenario where a universalist can be a Christian (death bed) and I believe that it is possible to be saved in confusion and error -- including in the confusion and error of universalism. I do not see how believing that all will be saved automatically disqualifies a person from being saved. I don't, because I don't see the scriptures doing it. But, if someone says it does disqualify them, then they would need to demonstrate that from scripture. End quote.

The Five Points of Calvinism
By Matt Slick

Found at:

There are two mains camps of theology within Christianity in America today: Arminianism and Calvinism. Calvinism is a system of biblical interpretation taught by John Calvin. Calvin lived in France in the 1500's at the time of Martin Luther who sparked the Reformation.

The system of Calvinism adheres to a very high view of scripture and seeks to derive its theological formulations based solely on God’s word. It focuses on God’s sovereignty, stating that God is able and willing by virtue of his omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence, to do whatever He desires with His creation. It also maintains that within the Bible are the following teachings: That God, by His sovereign grace predestines people into salvation; that Jesus died only for those predestined; that God regenerates the individual where he is then able and wants to choose God; and that it is impossible for those who are redeemed to lose their salvation.

Arminianism, on the other hand, maintains that God predestined, but not in an absolute sense. Rather, He looked into the future to see who would pick him and then He chose them. Jesus died for all peoples' sins who have ever lived and ever will live, not just the Christians. Each person is the one who decides if he wants to be saved or not. And finally, it is possible to lose your salvation (some Arminians believe you cannot lose your salvation).

Basically, Calvinism is known by an acronym: T.U.L.I.P.

Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement)
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved)

These five categories do not comprise Calvinism in totality. They simply represent some of its main points.

Total Depravity:
Sin has affected all parts of man. The heart, emotions, will, mind, and body are all affected by sin. We are completely sinful. We are not as sinful as we could be, but we are completely affected by sin.

The doctrine of Total Depravity is derived from scriptures that reveal human character: Man’s heart is evil (Mark 7:21-23) and sick (Jer. 17:9). Man is a slave of sin (Rom. 6:20). He does not seek for God (Rom. 3:10-12). He cannot understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14). He is at enmity with God (Eph. 2:15). And, is by nature a child of wrath (Eph. 2:3). The Calvinist asks the question, "In light of the scriptures that declare man’s true nature as being utterly lost and incapable, how is it possible for anyone to choose or desire God?" The answer is, "He cannot. Therefore God must predestine."

Calvinism also maintains that because of our fallen nature we are born again not by our own will but God’s will (John 1:12-13); God grants that we believe (Phil. 1:29); faith is the work of God (John 6:28-29); God appoints people to believe (Acts 13:48); and God predestines (Eph. 1:1-11; Rom. 8:29; 9:9-23).

Unconditional Election:
God does not base His election on anything He sees in the individual. He chooses the elect according to the kind intention of His will (Eph. 1:4-8; Rom. 9:11) without any consideration of merit within the individual. Nor does God look into the future to see who would pick Him. Also, as some are elected into salvation, others are not (Rom. 9:15, 21).

Limited Atonement:
Jesus died only for the elect. Though Jesus’ sacrifice was sufficient for all, it was not efficacious for all. Jesus only bore the sins of the elect. Support for this position is drawn from such scriptures as Matt. 26:28 where Jesus died for ‘many'; John 10:11, 15 which say that Jesus died for the sheep (not the goats, per Matt. 25:32-33); John 17:9 where Jesus in prayer interceded for the ones given Him, not those of the entire world; Acts 20:28 and Eph. 5:25-27 which state that the Church was purchased by Christ, not all people; and Isaiah 53:12 which is a prophecy of Jesus’ crucifixion where he would bore the sins of many (not all).

Irresistible Grace:
When God calls his elect into salvation, they cannot resist. God offers to all people the gospel message. This is called the external call. But to the elect, God extends an internal call and it cannot be resisted. This call is by the Holy Spirit who works in the hearts and minds of the elect to bring them to repentance and regeneration whereby they willingly and freely come to God. Some of the verses used in support of this teaching are Romans 9:16 where it says that "it is not of him who wills nor of him who runs, but of God who has mercy"; Philippians 2:12-13 where God is said to be the one working salvation in the individual; John 6:28-29 where faith is declared to be the work of God; Acts 13:48 where God appoints people to believe; and John 1:12-13 where being born again is not by man’s will, but by God’s.

Perseverance of the Saints:
You cannot lose your salvation. Because the Father has elected, the Son has redeemed, and the Holy Spirit has applied salvation, those thus saved are eternally secure. They are eternally secure in Christ. Some of the verses for this position are John 10:27-28 where Jesus said His sheep will never perish; John 6:47 where salvation is described as everlasting life; Romans 8:1 where it is said we have passed out of judgment; 1 Corinthians 10:13 where God promises to never let us be tempted beyond what we can handle; and Phil. 1:6 where God is the one being faithful to perfect us until the day of Jesus’ return.

Copyright by Matthew J. Slick, B.A., M. Div., 1998-2006
I welcome your comments via E-mail at [email protected]