
by Mary Carothers

The book of Galatians in “The Living Bible” is one of my very favorite books of the Bible. Nowhere else does God so clearly show us His Grace versus our desire to earn His blessings.

Some years ago, I sat in a prayer group and listened as a man expounded on the merit of keeping one of God’s laws. He finished by saying, “If we will keep this law, God will bless us. If we don’t keep it, we cannot receive His blessing.” He felt we had to EARN God’s blessings.’

There is within each of us the desire to feel pride for our “goodness.” “Look at me, God. I kept this law. See how hard I’m working for You, God?” Or, “Look how well I handled that situation. Now I DESERVE to be blessed!”

But we can never “earn” God’s blessing by keeping the law of Moses, or by being good enough, or by working for Him. God wants to bless us because we trust in His Son Jesus to take away our sins.

To Abraham, He said, “I will bless those in every nation who trust in Me as you do.” (Gal. 3:9) The prophet Habakkuk says, “The man who finds life will find it through trusting God. (Gal. 3:11)

If we try to earn our salvation by keeping the law or by being good enough, Christ is USELESS TO US. (See Galatians 5:4) It is equally true that we can never earn His blessings. God forbid that I should ever get what I deserve! Rather, I must trust in Jesus to give me God’s grace.

When we trust in Jesus to save us, and trust Him to be our goodness, then we become God’s children. And everything He has belongs to us, for that is the way God planned it. (See Galatians 4:7)

It is the Father’s pleasure to meet our needs out of the unlimited storehouse of His love and mercy.

All God’s love is poured out on us, His children.

All his grace is extended to us, His children.

All His blessings are given to us, His children.

All His power is released in us, His children.

Lord, help us to trust You for whatever we need.