Has Noah's Ark Finally Been Found?
Noah’s Ark Found! Again…
By Gary Amirault
Several years ago, I did an investigation into an organization named Wyatt Archaeological Research headed by a Ron Wyatt. He claimed to have discovered a number of Biblical archaeological locations and artifacts which included Noah’s Ark. It proved to be a hoax. Well, it seems another group is at it again, a group of Chinese and Turkish Evangelicals are 99.9 percent certain they have discovered Noah’s Ark. Media such as Fox News, World Net Daily, NSNBC and many others have given publicity of this “find.” One will find video clips on Youtube released by Noah’s Ark International, Ltd. the Chinese group who is making the claim they are almost certain this is the Ark of the Bible. Have they, indeed, discovered Noah’s Ark, which has been sought by treasure hunters, explorers, archaeologists and Indiana Jones types for centuries? If you want to cut to the chase so you don’t waste a lot of time and maybe a few bucks in the process this would be the best trail to follow:
Liberty University archaeologist Dr. Randall Price, a veteran ark hunter, who was involved at one point in this particular "discovery" but who denies it has anything to do with The Real Noah's Ark. Said Price:
“I was the archaeologist with the Chinese expedition in the summer of 2008 and was given photos of what they now are reporting to be the inside of the Ark. I and my partners invested $100,000 in this expedition (described below) which they have retained, despite their promise and our requests to return it, since it was not used for the expedition. The information given below is my opinion based on what I have seen and heard (from others who claim to have been eyewitnesses or know the exact details).
“To make a long story short: this is all reported to be a fake. The photos were reputed to have been taken off site near the Black Sea, but the film footage the Chinese now have was shot on location on Mt. Ararat. In the late summer of 2008 ten Kurdish workers hired by Parasut, the guide used by the Chinese, are said to have planted large wood beams taken from an old structure in the Black Sea area (where the photos were originally taken) at the Mt. Ararat site. In the winter of 2008 a Chinese climber taken by Parasut's men to the site saw the wood, but couldn't get inside because of the severe weather conditions. During the summer of 2009 more wood was planted inside a cave at the site. The Chinese team went in the late summer of 2009 (I was there at the time and knew about the hoax) and was shown the cave with the wood and made their film. As I said, I have the photos of the inside of the so-called Ark (that show cobwebs in the corners of rafters - something just not possible in these conditions) and our Kurdish partner in Dogubabyazit [stet] (the village at the foot of Mt. Ararat) has all of the facts about the location, the men who planted the wood, and even the truck that transported it.
The Turks have made a lot of money from Christians who have funded explorations in their country looking for Noah’s Ark. They even made Ron Wyatt’s site, which is nothing but a rock formation into a National Park. Before you go challenging non-Christians to see for themselves that archaeology has proven the Great Flood of the Bible, dig a little deeper.