Frequently Asked Questions about Christian Universalism
- Matthew 25:46 If Punishment is not Eternal how can Life be Eternal?
- If Everyone Will Be Saved, Why Serve Christ? by Jennifer Hunter – Some people serve Christ because they feel they have to. Others serve Him for a different reason.
- Lazarus and the Rich Man – by Bryan T. Huie – Short article revealing this parable refers to the removal of the kingdom from Israel to be given to the gentiles; it is NOT about Hell.
- The Rich Man and Lazarus – by J. Patching -Contrary to the “traditional” interpretation of this parable, Hell is NOT the subject matter. Jesus, in this parable as well as others explains that the kingdom of God is about to be taken from Israel and to be given to another nation which will bring forth the fruits which Israel did not bring forth.
- Arguments in Favor of Christian Universalism – Chapter 20 of a book by E.E. Guild – Those who embrace Universal Salvation are often accused of believing in a doctrine which has no Biblical basis. This book excerpt will thoroughly refute such an opinion.
- Why live a good life if all will be saved? — Charles Slagle
- Don’t we need the doctrine of hell to keep people moral? — Find an answer in this excerpt from a book by Thomas B. Thayer, 1855.
- Does Jesus REALLY Love Little Children? — Charles Slagle
- If all will be saved, why bother living a holy life? –Audrey Cole
- What if your teaching about eternal punishment is wrong? –Gary Amirault
- Questions designed to force one to think through their beliefs. –A.C. Thomas
- The Rich Man & Lazarus – Will they spend eternity in hell together? – J.F. Witherell
- “Well, if everyone is going to heaven, then why did Christ have to die? Aren’t you nullifying the death of Jesus? And if God is going to save everyone, why bother telling anyone about Jesus?” – Jan Antonsson
- “What may happen if I start asking questions about universal salvation at my church?” – (name withheld)
- Every knee shall bow — is it going to be forced or free will? – Tentmaker
- Is your “Good News” turning people AWAY from Christ instead of TOWARDS Him? – Barb Büchner
- Will God force you to love Him against your “free will?” – J.Preston Eby
- If everyone is going to be saved eventually, what urgency is there in proclaiming the gospel? – Charles Slagle
- This may be the truth. Even so, the restoration of all things could be dangerous teaching for unstable people who would interpret it as license to sin. – Charles Slagle
- This teaching cancels out any necessity for Calvary. What would be the point of Christ dying on the cross if God plans to save everyone anyway? – Charles Slagle
- This teaching will cause division in the church. Besides, I believe we can rest in God’s love because once we’re saved, we’re always saved. – Charles Slagle
- This means that both saint and sinner will get the same reward! – Charles Slagle
- In Luke 13:23-30, Jesus was asked if only a few would be saved. He said to strive to enter into the narrow gate, for many would try and not be able. – Charles Slagle
- Does this mean that satan and all the fallen angels will be restored eventually?
- I still believe in endless hell, but I also believe God’s love is unconditional and totally committed. What’s wrong with just loving and trusting God and leaving all mysteries in His good hands? – Charles Slagle
- If this total restoration doctrine is true, why have I never heard of it before? The only people I’ve ever known to deny the doctrine of endless hell are unorthodox cultists who also deny Christ’s deity, etc. – Charles Slagle
- This doctrine of universal reconciliation sounds to me like a teaching someone made up in order to advertise a ‘God’ who is soft on sin and more acceptable to the world. – Charles Slagle
- I still have problems with thinking that people like Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin will one day be in Heaven. – Charles Slagle
- I still don’t understand how God can save everyone and yet every person have a free will. – Charles Slagle
- Why do we not hear more people proclaiming this message today? – Charles Slagle
- I believe God is SOVEREIGN. This means God is all-powerful and holy, and He can do anything He wants to do! – Charles Slagle
- Why preach universal salvation if everyone is going to be saved anyway?
- 15 Reasons for Preaching the Victorious Gospel of Jesus Christ (Christian Universalism)
Additional Questions
Aren’t you distorting God’s Word?
Are Biblical and Christian Universalists the same?
John 3:16 says that only “whosoever believes” will be saved. How do you deal with that?
Why Can’t “Forever And Ever” Mean Eternity?
What About the Scriptures Stating Only a Few Will Be Saved?
Jesus Said the wicked would be thrown into a furnace of fire!
What Good Will It Do to Preach Universal Salvation
Do Near-Death Experiences Prove the Existence of Hell
What about the Rich Man and Lazarus?
Abraham’s Bosom: Another treatment of the Rich Man and Lazarus
How Can You Be Right and the Rest of the Church Be Wrong?
What Advantage is there to believing in Universal Salvation?
If Everyone Will Be Saved, Why Preach? J. Preston Eby
What About How the Bible Teaches That Some Will Perish?
Why do you teach the wicked will not be punished?
Matthew 25:46 If Punishment is not Eternal how can Life be Eternal?
Brief Answers To 21 Anti-Universalist Objections by Steve Jones