Nuts and Moses

There is no end to the amount of material that has been written on the subject of law and grace. I do not hesitate to say that the vast majority of it should be thrown into the abyss just outside the walls of Jerusalem called Gehenna, the city dump, commonly called in church circles, hell. Most of teachings written about grace certainly had their origins from such a place, so it would be appropriate to throw that rotten stuff back into the pit of darkness and bury it once and for all.

If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you probably have heard of the sermon about the law being a "schoolmaster" to bring us to Christ. The schoolmaster teaches us the ABC's of the kingdom. Then when we have learn the ABC's, we can do without the schoolmaster, but we still keep what he taught us. Does this sound familiar?

It may reasonable, but it is wrong. If one starts out with a wrong foundation, usually one comes to wrong conclusions. Such is the case with the word "schoolmaster."

The word "schoolmaster" comes from the Greek word "paidagogos." Young's Concordance defines it as "child conductor." It is found in Galatians 3:24 and 3:25. It is a term given to describe a person who would walk a child to school to protect it from dangers or from wandering off course. The "paidagogos" was not a schoolmaster. Newer and better translations bring this point out.

The law contained, maintained, protected, Israel until its redeemer came--Jesus Christ. If you want see a true Biblical "gap," the law would fit that description, as opposed to the false gap many teachers place between Daniel's 69th and 70th week.

Perhaps a way of illustrating the purpose of the law would be to liken the law to the chaff of grain or the shell of a nut. Christ is the True Meat which was to come at an appointed time in history. The Mosaic law protected, preserved, the central message of a redeemer of mankind who would come in the fullness of time. It gave them hope. Chaff or shells act as preservers until the seed inside is ready to be eaten or until planting time. When it is time to eat the seed in the nut, we break off the shell! It has served its purpose.

Now we might understand why those who preach a strong law and grace combination always do it with an unhappy face. How would you feel if you ate a pound of walnuts with the shells still on?

It is important to know that this shell called Moses' Law was only for Israel whose hope was for a future Messiah. At the cross, the chaff was taken away, the Law (shell) was broken open that we might partake of Christ, our True Food. It is sad, indeed, to note that most of Christianity is eating chaff and shells. It makes for a distasteful meal which will end in death. As you know, shells will tear up one's stomach and intestines.

So, if you haven't already done so, break off the Law of Moses (Moses is dead) and partake of the Seed of Life, Jesus Christ, Who brings and is Abundant Life.