Eytmology of the Words "Gossip" and "Gossiping"
By Gary and Michelle Amirault
Christian Gossipying
All of us, who have been churched for any length of time know how much gossiping we Christians do. Unfortunately, my wife and I have done our share of it. Maybe you have too? Gossiping is not among Moses’ top ten commandments. It is not usually listed in the “thou shalt nots” on most church membership forms. You know the ones I’m talking about: don’t drink alcohol, cuss or smoke — those plain outer sins that make the church look bad. We may not tolerate smoking, cussing or drinking, but we surely do tolerate and participate in gossiping.
Recently, I came across something in an old Webster's Dictionary that I found interesting. Under the origin of the word "gossip" we find it comes from two words "God" and "sipp.” Sipp became “sib” as in “sibling.” The origin of the word “gossip” then, is “God’s sibling,” that is a “child of God, a Christian.”
Under “gossiping” the dictionary meaning was “A Christening or Christening feast.” So gossip and gossiping used to be a holy thing. Because I do a lot of word studies I come across amazing examples of how words change in meaning over time. There are hundreds of words in the King James Bible which have changed in meaning as dramatically as gossip and gossiping.
Isn’t it strange that God’s siblings, His children, have been transformed over time into tale-bearers and blabberers that can cause trouble in the body of Christ.
It is a sad state of affairs that a tradition of adult children of God dedicating babies to Christ has become an affair of adult Christians destroying each other by gossiping.
Let’s get back to being God’s siblings and stop the gossiping.